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Look back ahead

Here we want to look at the good things that the past year has brought. They may be only very small ones and perhaps also somewhat larger ones. And those that have a forward effect. After all, this year cannot have been completely in vain.

January 2021
Quick translation with DeepL

It is undisputed that we all lost a lot of ground in 2020. It is also undisputed that this 2020 was much more at the expense of the less well-off and women. More on the city dwellers than on those in the countryside. So the view of the good is a vague and partly unfair one. It is a very cautious one from the perspective of the well-off.

Quite profanely, that people wash their hands, that's good! That you no longer have to greet those who are not quite kosher with a kiss on the left and a kiss on the right. That you don't have to shake hands. All that is good! For reasons of internal or external hygiene.

Isn't it also all well and good to have a zoom-meeting with distant friends and relatives and enjoy a glass of wine together ... or a bottle? That's less good then, for other reasons.

How good, too, that professional travel and expensive visits to trade fairs found replacements so quickly. That will stay! That conferences can be held inexpensively around the globe. Come join us, you're home!

Our newfound skills with digital platforms and virtual work tools. Finally there's digitalisation in schools, even if it's very bumpy and still not quite comprehensive. Combined with face-to-face teaching and work, all this will be a good mix one day. Then, when we are allowed to embrace each other again, then.

Increased awareness of our interaction with nature and animals. A first step, even if only in our minds for now – the practical realisation will follow little by little. Also for the precarious working conditions in our supply chains and in our delivery services. For the – applauded and yet little appreciated – doctors and nurses. Often poorly paid and always overworked and at their limits. That will change because it must. It must!

A lot of creative, new things have emerged. Virtual concerts, vernissages, wine tastings and their hybrid forms. A growing together despite distance. It was and is not all bad. A positive look back to the future.