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A Porto Protocol Climate Talk

As the Austrian representative of the Porto Protocol, I was invited to moderate a Climate Talk on three regional and national wine sustainablity standards.

July 2020

The Porto Protocol Foundation was established by Taylor's Port and is a platform for the international wine industry to work together to tackle the effects of climate change.

As a result of the Corona crisis, Porto Protocol representatives Marta Mendonça and Cristina Crava started their online climate talks on various topics related to sustainable viticulture and climate change. Three experts and a moderator from the specific topic area are guests at each event. On 15 July I was invited to lead the talk "Sustainability standards - different approaches in different wine regions". It was a great pleasure–and also a challenge that I gladly accepted.

My discussion partners were Allison Jordan from the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance; Francisco Mateus, President of Vinhos do Alentejo, and Patricio Parra representing Vinos de Chile.

The talk is available on the PORTO PROTOCOL YouTube channel.